Japanese Program at LaGuardia Community College
This document was last modified on: Sunday, September 22, 2024, 5:52pm
Japan Studies Program at LaGuardia Community College (#AboutJapanStudies)
Liberal Arts Option: Japanese Option
The Liberal Arts Japanese Option (AA degree) offers an opportunity to learn the Japanese language and other related subjects such as Japanese Literature, Asian Art, East Asian History, Religions and Social Psychology in Asia and to acquire an associate's degree in Japanese. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for transfer to baccalaureate (4-year) programs in East Asian Studies and/or Japan Studies. Upon graduation, the LA SSH Japanese Option at LaGuardia Community College can transfer to the East Asian Studies Major (Japanese Track) at Queens College and continue to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Japanese. Some of our graduates apply for transfer to prestigious colleges and universities in East Asian Studies including Columbia University, NYU, and Temple University Japan Campus. The goal of the Japanese Option is to develop students' interests and prior knowledge in Japan for professional careers. We will deal with Japanese language/culture as a serious academic subject (beyond casual interest in Japanese pop culture and anime). Those who are interested in the Japanese Option should try reading some of the following reference books to identify if this program fits your interests and plan for future careers.Japanese Option Alumni Voices
Japanese Option Program Promotional Videos
Welcome Orientation to the Japanese Option students
.Connect with us on Facebook, Google Groups, and Twitter.
- Japanese Major Webpage https://t-nagano.com/projects/JapaneseProgram/
- Japanese Major Twitter http://twitter.com/JapaneseLaGCC
- Japanese Major Blog https://chrysanthemum.commons.gc.cuny.edu
- Japan Studies Discord https://discord.gg/breXYw7ScD
Past Japan-related events at LaGuardia (#pastEvents)
The Japaense Program regularly hosts various co-/extra-curricular activities and international guests from Japan. The former guests from Japan include Madam Akie Abe, the wife of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Akiko Yamanaka, Former Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hiroki Ohara, Headmaster of Ohara Ikebana School, and many other cultural and international speakers from Japan. Below is the list of the events that we hosted in the past.
Semester | Date | Event Title | Flyer | |
Spring 2010 | May 5, 2010 | The Panel Presentation on Peace and Justice (Guest Speakers: Ms. Yuko Nakamura and Mr. Yoshio Tamura, A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima) / 広島被爆者による証言と討論会 (ゲスト: 中村雄子氏と田村良夫氏) | Flyer | |
Spring 2011 | March 17, 23, 24, and April 7, 2011 | The Donation Days for The Great Tohoku Earthquake | Media | Media | NY1 Report | |
Spring 2012 | April 24, 2012 | Japan-U.S. Cherry Blossom Centennial Tree Dedication Ceremony (日米桜寄贈100周年 桜樹林式) | Flyer | Media | Media | Media | Media | NY1 Report | |
Spring 2012 | May 23, 2012 | Visit by Mr. Sukeshiro Terata, Member of the House of Councillors (寺田典城参議院議員の訪問) | website | |
Spring 2012 | April 24, 2012 | Workshop by Mr. Shu Kubo, Kirie (paper-cut) Artist (久保修切り絵ワークショップ) | Flyer | |
Fall 2012 | October - December, 2012 | Japan Club Hurricane Sandy Cleanup Volunteer (ハリケーンサンディー復興ボランティア) | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | |
Spring 2013 | May 20-30, 2013 | CUNY Kakehashi Project (CUNYカケハシ) | Website | Media | Media | |
Fall 2013 | September 25, 2013 | Madam Akie Abe's visit (安倍昭恵夫人訪問) | Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website | Media | Media | Media | Media | Media | TV News | |
Fall 2013 | September 30, 2013 | Katsura Sunshine's Rakugo Performance (桂三輝落語公演) | Flyer | Media | Media | Media | Media | |
Fall 2013 | October 30, 2013 | Workshop by Mr. Shuhei Hasado, Japanese Plasterer (挟土秀平 左官ワークショップ) | Flyer | Media | Media | Media | |
Fall 2013 | November 1, 2013 | A Talk by Dr. Akiko Yamanaka, Former Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs (山本あき子元外務省政務官の講演) | Flyer | |
Spring 2014 | March 6, 2014 | Workshop by Mr. Hiroki Ohara, Headmaster of Ohara Ikebana School (小原流家元 小原宏貴 生け花ワークショップ) | Flyer | Media | |
Spring 2014 | March 8-10, 2014 | CUNY Kakehashi: Visit by Chuo University students (CUNYカケハシ: 中央大学訪問) | Flyer | Media | |
Spring 2014 | May 22, 2014 | Commendation from the Consulate General of Japan in NY (在外公館長表彰) | Announcement | Media | Media | Media | |
Spring 2014 | July 24, 2014 | Visit by Mr. Toshiaki Endo and the four Members of Parliament of Japan (遠藤利明衆議院議員、教育再生実行本部議員団訪問) | Media | |
Fall 2014 | September 24, 2014 | Visit by Mr. Atsushi Hamana, President of Kansai University of International Studies, to discuss e-Portfolio (濱名篤関西国際大学学長他のe-Portfolio視察訪問) | Press Release | Media | |
Fall 2014 | October 15, 2014 | Book donation by Madam Akie Abe (昭恵文庫の図書寄贈) | Press Release | Media | Media | |
Fall 2014 | November 7, 2014 | CUNY Kakehashi: Visit by Hosei University students (CUNYカケハシ: 法政大学訪問) | Flyer | Media | |
Spring 2015 | February 10, 2015 | Biwa (Japanese lute) Performance by Ms. Akiko Sakurai (薩摩琵琶演奏家櫻井亜木子ラガーディア公演) | Flyer | |
Spring 2015 | April 29, 2015 | 70Th Anniversary Of The Atomic Bomb: Linking Past And Present Beyond Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Fukushim (被団協 中村雄子氏, 福島富子氏, 谷口稜曄氏, 坪野吉孝ハーバード大客員研究員による討論会、講演) | Flyer | Media | |
Fall 2015 | October 14, 2015 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | |
Fall 2015 | October 20, 2015 | Mr. Kenji Furutate's Taiko (Japanese drumming) Performance (和太鼓奏者/パーカッショニスト 古立ケンジ太鼓演奏会) | Flyer | |
Fall 2015 | November 4, 2015 | A visit by Dr. Jill Biden, Wife of Vice President, to LaGuardia CC (Japan Club) (ジルバイデン副大統領夫人のラガーディア訪問 (日本クラブ)) | Media | Media | |
Fall 2015 | November 19-20, 2015 | Saga/Tokushima Kakehashi (佐賀大学、徳島大学カケハシ) | Agenda | Media | Media | |
Spring 2016 | March 19th, 2016 | Carnegie Hall Neighborhood Concert: Soh Daiko (カーネギーホール Neighborhood Concertシリーズ 僧太鼓公演) | Website | |
Spring 2016 | March 22-23, 2016 | Etegami Workshop and NYC Sightseeing with Jobu University students (上武大学との絵手紙ワークショップと市内観光) | Agenda and Sightseeing plan | Media | Media | |
Spring 2016 | April 12, 2016 | Workshop on Japanese Festival Dance and Drums with Tamagawa University students (玉川大学学生との太鼓ワークショップ) | Flyer and Flyer 2 | |
Spring 2016 | June 22 to July 1, 2016 | Dean Howard Wach's participation in the Summer Tour of Japan for U.S. Higher Education Professionals (ハワードワック学部長の日米高等教育機関交流日本滞在ツアーの参加) | Website | |
Fall 2016 | October 3, 2016 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | |
Fall 2016 | October 7th, 2016 | Rokyoku Workshop by Ms. Keiko Haruno (浪曲師 春野恵子による浪曲ワークショップ) | Flyer | Media | |
Spring 2017 | March 25th, 2017 | Carnegie Hall Neighborhood Concert: Soh Daiko (カーネギーホール Neighborhood Concertシリーズ 僧太鼓公演) | Website | |
Spring 2017 | March 30th, 2017 | A conversation with Mr. Toshiki Fujimori, A-Bomb survivor in Hiroshima (日本原水爆被害者団体協議会 広島被爆者 藤森俊希) | ||
Spring 2017 | April 27, 2017 | Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Benefit Concert: Dancing for Japan 2017 (東北地方太平洋沖地震チャリティー Dancing for Japan (折原美樹、他)) | Flyer | Media | |
Fall 2017 | October 18, 2017 | AISIN-LaGuardia Exchange 2017 (アイシン-ラガーディア交流事業 2017) | Flyer | Media | Media | |
Fall 2017 | Oct 13, Nov 10, and Dec 1, 2017 | LaGuardia Japanese Option Meet & Greet Fall 2017 (ラガーディア日本語専攻交流会) | Flyer | |
Fall 2017 | November 10, 2017 | WAKO Kokusai Kakehashi (和光国際高校カケハシ) | Flyer | Media | |
Spring 2018 | March 14, 2018 | Yanagiya Tozaburo III Rakugo Performance (柳家東三楼落語公演会) | Flyer | Agenda | |
Spring 2018 | March 20, 2018 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | |
Spring 2018 | Mar 23 and April 13, 2018 | LaGuardia Japanese Option Meet & Greet Fall 2017 (ラガーディア日本語専攻交流会) | Flyer | |
Spring 2018 | June 20, 2018 | Solo-performance Himiko By Junichi Nakashima (中島淳一氏 一人演劇 「卑弥呼」公演) | Flyer | |
Fall 2018 | Oct 11, 2018 | Karate Demonstration by Yoshiaki Ishizuka (石塚義昭氏による空手デモンストレーション) | Flyer | |
Fall 2018 | Oct 11, 2018 | Peace and Justice Talk by an A-bomb survivors Seiichi Kido and Jiro Hamasumi (日本被団協 木戸季市氏、濱住治郎氏による講演) | Flyer | |
Fall 2018 | Oct 31, 2018 | Japan Club Halloween Costume Contest 2018 (日本クラブ ハロウィーンコンテスト) | Flyer | |
Fall 2018 | January 16, 2019 | Japan Clubs' New Year Celebration 2019 (日本クラブ お正月イベント) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | March 20, 2019 | Visit by students from University of Tsukuba High School (筑波大学附属駒場高等学校の学生訪問) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | April 28, 2019 | Free Admission to Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Festival) @ Brooklyn Botanic Garden (ブルックリン植物園 桜祭り) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | May 2, 2019 | Peace and Justice Talk by an A-bomb survivors Seiichi Kido and Jiro Hamasumi (日本被団協 木戸季市氏、濱住治郎氏による講演) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | May 3, 2019 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Tale of Genji Exhibition (メトロポリタン美術館: 源氏物語展示訪問) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | May 3, 2019 | International Student Seminar for Japaense F-1/J-1 students (日本人留学生のためのセミナー) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | May 8, 2019 | Garyu Taiko (Japanese Drum) Performance (「我龍」による太鼓公演) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | May 10, 2019 | Learning about Japan through Manga and Video Games with Benjamin Boas (Benjamin Boas氏による「日本のことはマンガとゲームで学びました」の講演) | Flyer | |
Spring 2019 | July 8, 2019 | International Exchange with Students of International Christian University (ICU) in Japan (国際基督教大学学生との交流会) | Flyer | Program | |
Fall 2019 | September 12, 2019 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | |
Fall 2019 | October 4, 2019 | Bentenya Chindon Perfomance (弁天屋 チンドン屋ワークショップ) | Flyer | Media | |
Fall 2019 | January 15, 2020 | Japan Clubs' New Year Celebration 2020 (日本クラブ お正月イベント) | Flyer | |
Fall 2020 | September 11, 2020 | Be Better Together (BBT) Talk: Alex Rogals, Adjunct Professor of Japanese Culture, Hunter College, and Doctoral Candidate at UHawaii-Manoa | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2020 | October 9, 2020 | Be Better Together (BBT) Talk: Gregory Pflugfelder, Associate Professor, Columbia University. "Searching for the Male Flapper in Imperial Japan (1920s-1930s)" | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2020 | November 13, 2020 | Be Better Together (BBT) Talk: Mark Bookman, University of Pennsylvania | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2020 | December 11, 2020 | Be Better Together (BBT) Talk: Miriam Kingsberg Kadia, University of Colorado | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2020 | December 11, 2020 | Be Better Together (BBT) Talk: Daniel Connor, Dennis Looney, and Natalia Lusin, Modern Language Association | Flyer | Recording | |
Spring 2021 | February 3, 2021 | Study Abroad Scholarships Virtual Workshop | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2021 | September 28, 2021 | Japan's Cultural Diversity: The Story of Latinos by Prof. Araceli Tinajero | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2021 | November 9, 2021 | Japanese Internment Camp survivor's story by Takeshi Furumoto, Japanese Internment Camp survivor and Vietnam War veteran | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2021 | November 17, 2021 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2021 | Sept - Dec, 2021 | COIL: Crossing Paths 2021 with Meiji Gakuin Univeristy | Flyer | |
Fall 2021 | Sept - Dec, 2021 | COIL: Language Lounge with Matsumoto University | Flyer | |
Spring 2022 | May 3, 2022 | Origami Workshop | Flyer | |
Spring 2022 | May 12, 2022 | Virtual Workshop on Anime with Creator Kazuyoshi Takeuchi from Japan | Flyer | Recording is available upon request | |
Spring 2022 | February - May, 2022 | COIL: Language Lounge with Matsumoto University | Flyer | |
Fall 2022 | Sept - Dec, 2022 | COIL: Crossing Paths 2022 with Meiji Gakuin Univeristy | Flyer | |
Fall 2022 | Sept - Dec, 2022 | COIL: Language Lounge with Matsumoto University | Flyer | |
Spring 2023 | Friday, March 31, 2023 | Nikkei Stock League’s visit to Laguardia | Flyer | |
Fall 2023 | Monday, September 11, 2023 | Japanese Option New Student Orientation | Flyer | |
Fall 2023 | Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | Recording | |
Fall 2023 | Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | Japan Club's New Year Celebrations in Asia 2024 (アジアのお正月イベント) | Flyer | website | |
Spring 2024 | Monday, February 26, 2024 | Japanese Option New Student Orientation | Flyer | |
Spring 2024 | Friday, March 8, 2024 | Temple University Japan Campus Transfer Workshop (テンプル大学日本キャンパス転学ワークショップ) | Flyer | website | |
Spring 2024 | Wednesday, March 20, 2024 | Nikkei Stock League’s visit to Laguardia | Flyer | Program |
Other media coverage about the Japanese Program at LaGuardia
Semester | Date | Event Title | Flyer | |
Fall 2024 | Wednesday, September 4, 2024 | Japanese Option Student Orientation | Flyer | |
Fall 2024 | Wednesday, October 23, 2024 | Temple Japan Transfer Information Session | Flyer | |
Fall 2024 | Friday, October 25, 2024 | Career-orientation Seminar | Flyer | |
Fall 2024 | Saturday, October 26, 2024 | Japanese Calligraphy Workshop | Flyer |
Japan-related Event Calendar in New York City (#JapanEventsNYC)
- A number of events are regularly hosted by the Japanese community in New York City and those who are interested in the Japanese culture. We are making this event calendar so that we can plan events for the Japan Club and students in the Japanese classes. If you know any events not listed below, please e-mail the following information to tnagano@lagcc.cuny.edu: (1) name of the events, (2) date (of the event in the previous year), (3) location, (4) price, (5) URL, and (6) very short description.
- The following events are taking place across the year (regularly or irregularly)
Date | Event | Address | Price | Description | URL | |
Monthly | Japan Society's Film Screenings | Japan Society (333 E 47th St, New York, NY 10017) | $20-$30 | The Japan Society screens a diverse selection of classic and contemporary Japanese cinema throughout the year — including retrospectives of seminal directors, thematic series, and special screenings of international, U.S. and NY premieres — and organizes JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film, the largest festival of its kind in North America. | web | |
Monthly | Japan Society's Programs | Japan Society (333 E 47th St, New York, NY 10017) | $20-$30 | The Japan Society hosts various educational programs in Business & Policy, Family Programs, Gallery and Performing Arts. | web | |
Monthly | Urasenke Chanoyu Center (Tea Ceremony) | 153 E 69th St, New York, NY 10021, USA | $200 for up to 20 guests | We welcome school groups (first grade through graduate) and other groups (education or appropriate occasion only. No sales promotions) for one-hour lecture demonstrations at the Centre on Wednesdays. Please e-mail us to make arrangements. | web | |
Monthly | JapanFes (Japanese Street Fair) | NA | Free | JAPANFes(ジャパンフェス)は、ニューヨークで唯一の日系”街フェス”を開催する団体です。日本の食、日本の伝統工芸品、日本のアートからエンターテイメントまで、日本文化を地元ニューヨーカーに楽しんもらえるよう“祭”を開催してきました。 | web | |
January 1 | Mitsuwa NJ: New Year's Special Event and New Year Lucky Bag | Mitsuwa Marketplace, 595 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ 07020 | Free | To celebrate New Year, the Mitsuwa New Jersey Store will host traditional Japanese events such as a Taiko Drumming performance, a Mochi Pounding and a Shishimai Lion Dance. | web | |
late March (1 day) | Columbia Japan Society Matsuri | Columbia University (New York, NY 10027) | Free | Columbia Japan Society is a student organization on campus committed to bringing aspects of Japanese culture to the Columbia community. We are dually recognized by the university under the activities board of Columbia and the Student Governing Association. Throughout the year, we host various events that showcase Japanese traditional practices, food, and performances. Matsuri in the Spring and Flavors of Japan in the fall are our biggest events, while more exclusive events are scattered throughout, allowing students and faculties of Columbia to have first-hand experience on a foreign culture. | web | |
April | NECTJ Virtual Haru Matsuri | UNIS (24-50 FDR Dr, New York, NY 10010) | Registration including lunch bento box is $12 per student and teacher. | NECTJ Harumatsuri is an annual Japanese spring festival hosted by the Northeast Council of Teachers of Japanese (NECTJ) since 1994. Harumatsuri takes place in March at United Nations International School in New York City and offers professional Japanese performances, cultural booths, various contests, and a talent show. | web | |
April | Roosevelt Island Cherry Blossom Festival | Roosevelt Island | Free | The Roosevelt Island Community Cherry Blossom Festival features traditional and modern Japanese performances and a Cultural Fair. | web | |
late April (two days) | Brooklyn Botanic Garden Sakura Matsuri | 990 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11225 | $18 ($12 for students) | Sakura Matsuri, the Garden's annual cherry blossom festival, celebrates Japanese culture with a rich program of events. | web | |
early May | Japan Day | Central Park | Japan Day is a free event, but it costs about $35-40 to participate in the Japan Run. | Experience traditional Japanese culture and festivities / join in Japan Run (4 miles) | web | |
mid May (1 day) | Asian Heritage Celebration @ LaGuardia Community College | 31-10 Thomson Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101 | Free | LaGuardia Community College is celebrating the Asian Heritage Celebration in May every year. AHC is an annual event of LaGuardia featuring various cultural, philosophical, and linguistic heritages from Asian countries. Along with the other cultural heritage celebrations, including African American Heritage week and Latino Heritage week, AHC acknowledges and celebrates diversity and cultural richness of LaGuardia Community College. The Asian Heritage Committee is committed promoting to Asian and Asian American groups on campus. Our Mini-Conference and Final Celebration are intended to provide the college with a wonderful array of educational, cultural and engaging programs that will heighten the awareness and contributions of Asian and Asian American groups in New York City. | web | |
June | New York Japan CineFest | Asia Society | NA | We all have a role in our lives, so are film festivals. New York Japan CineFest's mission is clear. To explore and find unique talent, support their work, vision and cause as we provide creative playground in the most exciting city in the world, New York City. The festival was founded by two filmmakers, Yasu Suzuki, Kosuke Furukawa and a music producer Hiroshi Kono. It was planed for rather small one night event. While three friends organizing the event, devastating earthquake occurred in their home country, Japan in 2011. Since then, their motivation geared up to connect the Asian films and American and world films, shake up the ground in the positive way to raise the spirit. NYJCF focuses on the independent filmmakers who committed to making their full potential to express their voice and vision to the world. | web | |
late July to early August | Obon Dance (Bon Dance) Festival | Bryant Park (42nd street & Sixth avenue) | Free | The New York Buddhist Church is hosting its 68th summer Bon Dance Festival at Bryant Park (right across Kinokuniya Bookstore). | web | |
late July (about 2 weeks) | Japan Cuts (Japanese Film Festival) | Japan Society (333 E 47th St, New York, NY 10017) | about $5-$29 | NA | web | |
August | Mitsuwa NJ Summer Festival | Mitsuwa Marketplace, 595 River Rd, Edgewater, NJ 07020 | Free | NA | web | |
early October | New York Comic Con | Jacob K. Javits Convention Center | Entrance fees cost $55 a day, or $190 for a 4-day pass. | The New York Comic Con is an annual New York City fan convention dedicated to Western comics, graphic novels, anime, manga, video games, cosplay, toys, movies, and television. It was first held in 2006. | web | |
late November (3 days) | Anime NYC | 429 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001, USA | $40-$65 | Anime NYC takes place in the Javits Center on Manhattan's West Side. The Javits is New York's largest event space and blocks from Times Square, Grand Central, and Penn Station. | web |
Interested in the Japan Studies at LaGuardia?
Connect with us through the social media platforms (see above). If you have questions, contact the program director at the number below.- Tomonori Nagano, Ph.D.
Program Director of the LA Japanese Option
Room: B-234FF
Phone: 718-482-5484
Email: tnagano@lagcc.cuny.edu