Demographics of Adult Heritage Langauge Speakers in the United States

About these maps

The maps below show the density of adult heritage language speakers (those who speak English as a primary language, but also speak another language as a home language) in the United States. The data were collected from American Community Survey (ACS) 2011, analyzed with R (using packages acs and maps). This study was conducted as a preliminary study for the Luce Heritage Pathways Project 2014-2017 at LaGuardia Community College. Please read the following article for more information about the study. If you'd like to have a copy of the R script for these maps (and also the analyses made in the article above), please contact Tomonori Nagano at>

Fifteen most common heritage languages in each state in the U.S.

Distribution of ethnic groups in the United States

Distribution of ethnic groups in Midwest states

Distribution of ethnic groups in Northeast states

Distribution of ethnic groups in Westcoast states