Office hours: E-mail is preferred, with which you should expect my response within 24 hours. Also, please talk to me after class if you have any question about the class.
Class schedule (ELJ102.0322 (47293)):
T 1:00-3:15pm (HyFlex/B-319)
TH 1:00-2:00pm (HyFlex/B-229)
TH 2:15-3:15pm (Lab/B-229)
Class Modality and Announcements
ELJ102.0322 (47293) in Spring 2022 is a HyFlex class. Please see below for information about the instruction modality of this course.
These are the CUNY and LaGuardia websites for information and policies concerning the COVID-19.
ELJ102.0322 (47293) is a HyFlex class and students can choose how to attend this class (either online or in-person). See this introduction to HyFlex ELJ102 for more information.
Each lesson cycle (each week -- two lectures and one lab) is in the following structure.
Reading: You should read the sections of the textbook that will be covered in each lesson (See the weekly schedule for the class below.)
Quizlet: Vocabulary is central to learning any new language and it is one of the major focuses in this class. Students will receive a set of vocabulary exercises on Quizlet every week. This is an optional activity, but students will receive additional points (up to 5pt) for the weekly vocabulary quiz.
Blackboard: Students will have to complete weekly quizzes every week on Blackboard. There will be practice questions for the quiz. Each quiz is worth 10 points of the grade.
Recorded lectures: Some lectures are recorded for students to preview or review the class.
or HyFlex meetings:
During the synchronous in-person or online meetings, we will review the topic(s) of the week and engage in group/individual activities.
Weekly assignments:
Students will have to submit workbook assignments every week. Assignments must be submitted through Blackboard before the deadline (usually at the midnight of Sunday). Use the workbook submission sheets to submit your workbook homework.
Project-based assignments: Students will be assigned to several project-based assignments during the semester. Projects may include but not limited to (recorded) presentations, written essays, group projects, and fieldwork assignments. For projects, we will employ different tools such as Flipgrid, Google Doc, and xxx.
In order to participate in class online, you will need the following resources or equipment.
High-speed Internet access: Internet speedtest by Ookla: For a Zoom video conference, you should have an internet speed of 0.8Mbp (at least), 3.0Mbps (optimally), or faster. Each Zoom group meeting will need a bandwidth between 0.5GB-2.4GB/hr.
A desktop or laptop computer
A webcam for video conferencing (built-in webcam is fine): Check webcam online: You can also check your webcam, microphone, and speakers with Zoom's test meeting page at
The Fall 2022 semester begins on Friday, September 9, 2022 (see the academic calendar for important dates in Spring 2022)
Co-curricular/Extra activities
"Anime and Philosophy" panel by Philosophy & Japanese Studies Programs at 2:15-3:30pm on Thursday, September 22, 2022. See more info about this event here.
Tutoring for Japanese language courses are available in B-206 (Modern Langauge Lab) and online. See for the tutoring schedule in Spring 2022. The Japanese tutoring schedule is listed below:
The Modern Languages Program at LaGuardia is looking for student volunteers who can participate in the oral language assessment training called ACTFL OPI. An eligible student should be a learner of Arabic, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, or Spanish (they can be any level from the true beginner [1st semester student] to the advanced/heritage language speakers). A volunteer student will participate in a 30-min interview with a language instructor who will assess your oral language proficiency. Participants will receive a $20 gift card. Here is the sign-up form for this opportunity:
Co-curricular/Extra activities
Every Wednesday in Fall 2022 (between Wed, September 28 and Wed, December 7, 2022) at 7:30pm-8:30pm (in the NY time). Language Lab with Matsumoto University | See the flyer here
Weekly schedule
Week 01 [Tuesday, September 13 & Thursday, September 15, 2022]
Week 02 [Tuesday, September 20 & Thursday, September 22, 2022]
Lecture topic
Ch.06 ~てください / Tekudasai (ex. 窓を開けてください。)
Ch.06 ~てもいいです / Temoiidesu (ex. テレビを見てもいいですか。)
Ch.06 ~てはいけません / Tewaikemasen (ex. テレビを見てはいけません。)
We will be going to "Anime and Philosophy by Philosophy & Japanese Studies Programs" during the lab hour (Thur 2:15pm-3:15pm). See more info about this event here.
Quiz 2
Due by next class (The assignment with will be graded) Deadline is on Sunday, September 25, 2022
Textbook (Listening): Dialogues (pp. 146-147 / K06-01, K06-03, and K06-05)
Due by next class (The assignment with will be graded) Deadline is on Sunday, October 16, 2022
Respond to the self-introduction videos by your group members in the Crossing Path 2022 project. Log into ImmerseU ( and leave comments or upload your response videos.
Week 08 [Tuesday, November 1 & Thursday, November 3, 2022]
Take-home (open-book) midterm will be distributed on Thursday, November 3, 2022. The midterm is due on Sunday, November 6, 2022 (submit it through Blackboard).
There is no lecture hour on Thursday, November 3, 2022. The lab will be conducted only in person.
Lecture topic
Review of Ch.07 Short form(現在) / Short forms (present tense) (ex. 学生だ 高くない 行かない)
Workbook. Submit the workbook submission sheets through Blackboard
Workbook: もう〜ました / まだ〜ていません
Workbook: 〜から
Week 13 [Tuesday, December 6 & Thursday, December 8, 2022]
Friday, December 9, 2022 is CUNY Tuesday. We will be screening a film (probably "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" [])
Lecture topic
Ch.10 二項比較 / Comparison between two items (ex. バスのほうが電車より速いです。)
Ch.10 三項以上の比較 / Comparison among three or more items (ex. 新幹線がいちばん速いです。)
Due by next class (The assignment with will be graded) Deadline is on Sunday, December 11, 2022